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 Preventing Illness

I have done earlier posts on how being healthy can keep you stress free. Depending on how sick you are you will need medication, and that medication can have side effects. The side effects can cause stress. If you run out of the medication, you have the anxiety of getting more or what happens if you cannot get more.

As I said in my earlier posts there are foods you can eat to keep you healthy. You see I come from a family that has high blood pressure, diabetes and colon cancer. My relatives either take pills or inject insulin. I don’t want to do either of those things. Once you start, there is a possibility you will have to buy the pills and insulin for the rest of your life. I don’t want to worry about spending a certain amount of money every month for the pills and/or insulin, with or without insurance.  I decided a long time ago, I would do everything in my power  not to have high blood pressure, diabetes or cancer. If I was diagnosed with it I could control it with my diet. I have done a great deal of research on the internet. What I discovered is this, the same foods can either help prevent or keep diabetes, high blood pressure as well as cancer at bay: apples, asparagus, avocados, beans, blueberries, broccoli, carrots, cranberries, fish, flaxseed, garlic, kale, melon, nuts, oatmeal, quinoa, raspberries, red grapefruit, red onions, red peppers, soy, spinach, tea, tomatoes, yogurt. *

As the old saying goes, You are What You Eat

Did you know there a certain foods you can eat, which can help prevent diabetes? For example, brown rice, whole wheat, oatmeal, fruits, vegetables, beans, and lentils are very good to eat for Type 1 Diabetics. The pancreas doesn't release insulin, so these foods have a low glycemic index which makes the blood sugar rise more slowly. You would stay away from sodas, carbohydrates like pastas,  cookies, patries, and trans fats. As far as Type 2 Diabetes is concerned, a person is  not dependent on insulin, but should eat a mix of proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats.

 Stay Healthy

Did You Know that if you keep yourself health, in good physical condition, you can cut down on your medical bills? For you and/or your family?

If you keep your body healthy you may not need to go to the doctor often. Everyone needs a yearly check-up to make sure you are in good physical health. But eating right and exercising may prevent diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure. The cost of medications are expensive. If you don't have to spend the money, why do it?



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