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                                   Don’t Give Your Power Away

You give people the power to make you feel happy or make you feel sad. When you care about someone, you open yourself up emotionally to that person. If you want to be friends with someone, you try  harder to please them, in this way you open yourself up emotionallyto them. Your emotional involvement with them, is giving them the power to make you happy or sad. Don’t give your power away.

This is a good thing when that other person is encouraging you to be better, you enjoy being with the person, the two of you are working toward a common goal together to have more/be more than what you currently are, or where you currently are. Giving the other person power is a bad thing when the other person is making you sad, hurting you physical or mentally, making you feel sad when you talk to them, or telling you that you cannot do something, or disliking your ideas. Don’t give your power away.

When you find yourself in a negative or toxic situation it is okay to get that person out of your life. You may have to do this gradually by spending less and less time with this person each day, and replacing the time you are away from the person with an interest you like to do. This person may be the financial breadwinner in your family, and you need that person to make it from one day to the next, or you think that you cannot make it without the person. Believe me, your will is greater than you imagine. If you can “see”/visual yourself in a happy place without the person, it can be done. The secret is you have to make it happen, you just have to have the confidence to make it happen.

Ask yourself, what are you interested in, research your interest to find out how you can make money at it. You have the power within yourself to make your life better. Don’t give your power away.




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